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2018 UBAA 50 Year Reunion &

Legacy Scholarship Gala Weekend

Founded in 1968, UCLA Black Alumni Association is 50 years old in 2018! Help us celebrate our birthday with a blowout Reunion weekend! Every black organization on campus, from AAP to ASU, Black Greeks to NOMMO are all welcomed to this



The weekend kicks off FRIDAY MARCH 16th with a Black Bruin Happy Hour at Janga by Derrick's in Culver City.  


SATURDAY MARCH 17th UBAA presents the 2018 Doby Legacy Scholarship Gala at the Westin Los Angeles. Created in memory of former Vice Chancellor Dr. Winston Doby, the Gala serves as UBAA's biggest Scholarship Fundraising vehicle to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars-the proceeds of which go to providing scholarships to high achieving African American undgergratuate students at UCLA. The fundraising goal for 2018 is $500,000.  The event will honor individuals throughout our community for their

commitment to service, leadership and innovation.  Please consider purchasing a table with your organization, a ticket for yourself and/or sponsoring an ad for your business! 


SUNDAY MARCH 18th we will finish off the weekend with a Black Bruins Sunday Brunch @ Pips on La Brea from 11a - 1p.

Sponsorship Information

FRIDAY March 16th

Join fellow alumni on Friday night for

Happy Hour from 5-8pm at:


Janga by Derrick's Jamaican Cuisine


Culver City

3850 Main St

Culver City, CA 90232

(424) 603-4843

SUNDAY March 17th

Wind down with UBAA over mimosas & SundayBrunch from 11a-1pm at:


Pips on La Brea


Los Angeles

1356 S La Brea Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90019


If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, click below!

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